Vonalkód olvasó CCD 1D Barcode scanner USB

Cikkszám: [Z-5160U]

USB portra köthető beépíthető

1D OEM Autmatába beépíthető VONALKÓD olvasó


Light Source617 nm visible LED
Optical SystemLinear CCD array
Microprocessor32 bit
Depth of Field4 mil: 20 - 80 mm
5 mil: 15 - 115 mm
7.5 mil: 10 - 160 mm
10 mil: 10 - 220 mm
13 mil: 5 - 280 mm
20 mil: 20 - 360 mm
Note: DOF may vary depending on environment condition and barcode quality.
Scan Rate330 scans per second
Minimum Bar Width0.1 mm (0.07 mm actually); (Code 39, PCS=90%)
Print Contrast30% @ UPC/EAN 100%
IndicatorTwo-color LED (green & red)
Beeper OperationProgrammable tone & beep time
System InterfaceKeyboard, RS-232, HID USB, USB Virtual COM, OPOS, JPOS

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