22" sík SAW érintőképernyő, porvédett, USB kontrollerrel

Cikkszám: [SAW22USB]



Glass panel with transducers attachedtothe front surface of theglass.



Touch Input:                   finger?glovedhand(cloch?leather ofrubber) or soft stylus. Resolution:                                     4096 X 4096

Z¦axis:                         255 levels ofpressure reported.

ExpectedLife-span:            more than 50 millionstouchesinone locationwithoutfailure. Noknown wear- out mechanism.

Drift:                              Inherentlystable,nodrift.

Touchpoint density:          ?100,000touchpoints/in (15,500 touchpoints/cm) for a 13-inch touchscreen. Time to respond:                          less than 13ms.

TouchActivation Force:    Typicallyless than85grams. PositionalAccuracy:                       ?2mm 

IntelligentDetect:            candetect more than onetouchpoint simultaneously.Byintelligentprograms, invalid touches are refused. If thereis an error,the resultsof detectcanbe modi- fied automatically.




Lighttransmission:         90 ~92% (perASTM D1003)

VisualResolution:           clear surface: Excellent, withnonoticeable degradation

Antiglare surface:     6: 1     minimum.

(TestedbyUSAF1951 Resolutionchart under30times of magnification, with testunitlocated 38mmfromsurface ofresolutionchart)

Gloss:                          Antiglare surface     Carved surface:      65±15    glossunits

Flat surface:       80±15    glossunits (perASTM D2457 bya 60-degreegloss meter)

Color Purity:               notaffected




Strength and Hardness:   Surfacedurability isthat of glass, mohs’hardness rating of7. Scratch Resistance:                     Continuesto workcorrectly even with scratches.

ChemicalResistance:        Resistantto allchemicalsthat donotaffectglass.




Strike durability:              meets the standardof 60950 ICE 1999 for steel balls.

Electrostatic Protection:   MeetsLevel 4 (15kvair/8kvcontactdischarges,per EN61000-4-2)

EMI:                                 Not affected by the monitors nearbyorother sourcesof EMI fromanyother equipment.

Levelof Protection:          Dustproof touchscreen :IP6X.   Usingspecialdustproof technology,thesur- faceAcousticwavetouchscreen canbe keptapart fromdustthoroughly. Waterprooftouchscreen: IP65.

Plug and Play:               Evenif poweris on, thecontroller canbeplugged on without working incorrectlyordamaging anyequipment.



Temperature                   operating :     ?20? to50?      Storage:     ?40?to70?

RelativeHumidity:          90%RHat 40?

Altitude:                        operating:    10,000feet;     storage/transport:     50,00feet




SupportWindows 98/ Me 2k/XP/NT,WinCE,Linux




Communication Mode     300LS:    RS?232;    300LU:                                    USB Size84mm×57mm×10mm

Power Supply                 +12VDC,80mA(typical),thecurrent supplied mustn’t beless than 200mA. Power consumption           approximately1 watt (average)



Spherical    CRT                15”?17”?19”?20”?21”

Flat   CRT                       15”?17”?19”?21”?22”?29

Flat  LCD                       8.4”?9.4”?10.4”?12.1”?13.3”?14”?15.1”?17”? 18.1”?19”?20.1”?21”?22”?23”?24”?25”?26”?32”?37”?42”?47’’




Normal SAW, vandalproof SAW, dustproof SAW, waterproof SAW, antiglareanddustproof SAW.

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