17" sík interactive touch fólia, alsó kimenet 2 pontos, USB

Cikkszám: [GT-DTF-17]

17" Projected kapacitív fólia. Egyedi kialakítású érintőszenzorokhoz.


Teljesen átlátszó 
Alacsony fogyasztás, hosszú élettartam 
USB interface 
4:3 - 8:3 - 16:9 - 21:9 képarányokhoz 
Kesztyűben is használható 
2 pontos multitouch 
CE, FCC, ROHS tanusítvány 
Available sizes17'' 19'' 22'' 24'' 27'' 30'' 32'' 37'' 40'' 42'' 46'' 50'' 52'' 55'' 57'' 60'' 62'' 67'' 70'' 72'' 74'' 80'' 84'' 90'' 92'' 94'' 100'' 112'' 114'' 115'' 120'
 Induction method   The improved projected sensing technology, criss-cross X, Y nanowires constitute sensing matrix
 Touch size   17"~94"(4:3) or 17"~120"(16:9) can be customized
 Paste way   Removable Imperial or permanent paste
 Touch accuracy  No drift, the deviation is about 1~3mm
 Calibration way  software calibration
 The number of wires   Nano-wires 40 Road / Road 64/128
 Induction thickness (penetration)   Adjusted by software to adapt to various thickness of glass, even wear gloves to produce touch-sensitive, can penetrate non-metallic materials about the thickness of 20 mm (middle to allow air layer), the induction can even penetrate glass thickness aboutof 25mm
 Scanning frequency   60Hz~130hz
 Output way   USB 2.0 (HID public interface to USB Mini B interface)
 Compatibility   WIN2000/WINXP/WIN7/WIN8/Linux/Mac/android4.0 etc.
 Touch functionality   Mouse function, multi-point (2) touch support TUIO and Windows Native
 Temperature range  -20°C~60°C
 Humidity range  0% RH to 95% RH (without condensation neighborhood)
 Transmittance   >93%
 Power consumption   Max 0.5W
 Product Certification   CE,FCC,ROHS
 EMC   EN61000-6-1:2007   EN61000-6-3:2007+A1:2011

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