Vonalkód olvasó. Dual Laser omnidiretional 1D/2D barcode scanner OEM

Model NO: [Z-6082]

Compact Dual-Laser Omnidirectional Vertical Scanner
The Z-6082 vertical scanner's dual-laser technology uses two laser diodes which scan in 8 directions at once, enabling 32 scan lines at a rate of 2,400 scans per second. A top performer built for high-volume application, the Z-6082 with ZEBEX proprietary Z-SCAN+ hardware decoding technology delivers ultimate scanning performance from a vertical stance. The Z-6082 comes in a rugged, cubical, aluminum die-cast housing, meeting IP54 standards for protection against splashed water and dust.
• Instant "object-fly-by" automatic wake-up
• EAS compatible
• Strict IP54 standards
• Barcode stitching capable

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