Smart Payout system


SMART Payout

The SMART Payout from Innovative Technology is the first payout to handle multi denomination notes.With an 80 note capacity the SMART Payout can be utilised to give change or prizes in notes. To assist when emptying, all notes in the SMART Payout can be transferred to the stacker for easy collection.
Recommended Applications

Automated change transactions
Gaming, AWP
Self Serve & Retail
Parking and Ticketing

Collects, validates and stores notes for future payout
Jam free, high speed payout
Secure unit lockable to NV200
Able to pay out all accepted notes
Accepts notes up to 85mm wide
Acceptance rate of 99.8% using SPF™ technology

All available NV200 datasets: full listing on our website
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Technical Data

80 note capacity
80 note payout
Combined Dimensions: 114x362x298 mm
Combined Weight: 5.5kg
Power supply: 12v
eSSP Protocol
USB on board

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