ITL Smart Coin intelligens érmekezelő rendszer


The SMART Coin System is a state of the art bulk coin validator, mixed coin hopper and recycler in one.
The unit validates, discriminates and stores mixed coins, eliminating coin starvation & the need for multiple hoppers.
With a market leading coin hopper capacity and fully audited, efficient refills the SMART Coin System is designed to eliminate coin starvation and significantly reduce operator collection costsOperating at a market leading 12 coins per second the SMART Coin System improves operator cashflow, significantly reducing collection costs.
• State of the art bulk coin validator, hopper & recycler
• Eliminates coin starvation
• Market leading coin capacity, acceptance and payout speed
Lowest cost of ownership
High security - multi frequency sensing technology

Requirements: 24V
Standby: 200 mA 
Running: 3 A 
Peak: 6.5 A 

Payout Speed
Up to 12 coins per second

Coin Capacity

1500 (€1)
1300 (L1)
800 (L2)

Mixed Coin Capacity




USB with IF17
Open collector

Coin Dimensions
Diameter: 16 - 28.5 mm
Thickness: 1.65 - 3.2 mm




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