ICT bill acceptor P70P5, with stacker

Model NO: [ICTP70STAC]

Bill insertion4 - way Acceptance

Acceptance speed

Appox. 3 seconds ( including bill stacking )

InterfacePulse , ICT Protocol, ccTalk, ID003, MDB, Parallel
Power SourcesDC 12V ± 5%
Power consumptionStandby : 210mA ~ 350mA
Operating : 2A
Motor Lock : 2.2A
Environment rangeOperating Temperature : 0° C ~ 55° C
Storage Temperature : -20° C ~ 70° C
Humidity : 30%~85% RH ( no condensation )
WeightApprox. 1500g ~ 1650g
Acceptance rate96% or more
The second acceptance is included in the acceptance count.
The following bills are excluded.
a. Incomplete bills such as extremely dirty, wetted, broken or wrinkled ones.
b. Bills folded at a corner or side.
c. Incorrect-made bills.
Features01.Sofeware can be quickly updated through the built-in connector (Flash ROM).
02.The new anti-stringing function has99.99%success rate.
03.Ultimate acceptance rates.
04.Superior security.
05.Fast, efficient bill handling.
06.easy to remove/open/clean acceptor.
07.Auto self-adjusting sensor system.
08.Quick to update sofeware (flash ROM).
09.Combines the bill handing and the advanced bill recognition system to increase
acceptance rates and reduce jams.
CertificatesCE, FCC, ETL

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