Card Reader mechanical, D001-GEAN

Model NO: [CRT288-D001-GEAN]

CRT288 card reader. Manual card moving. Plastic front cover.

MAG card reader, IC card reader/writer

RS232 or USB interface. Multiple covers and accessories.

The specification is downloadable.


Card type  Magnetic Card: ISO7810 ID-1,7811
 IC Card: ISO7816-2, T=0?T=1 CPU Card,SAM Card
 Power supply  DC5V±5%
 Communication interface  RS-232 / USB (HID)
 Life time  Magnetic head: 1,000,000time min
 IC card contact: 300,000time min
 Latch mechanism: 500,000time min
 M.T.B.F  >100,000hours(Electronic components only)
 Environmental conditions  Operation:0?~50?/0 ~ 90% RH(Non condensing)
 Storage:-25?~80?/0 ~ 95% RH(Non condensing)
 Weight  About 240g


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